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Five Reasons Why Riyadh is Strategically Positioned to Host World Expo 2030

With the success of Riyadh’s bid to host World Expo 2030 hinging on five key areas of focus, the city is framing itself as the only candidate who can deliver on the world’s strategic priorities.

1: A pivotal moment

World Expo, the international gathering that traces its origins back to the Great Exhibition of 1851, has long been instrumental in uniting nations to showcase innovation and address pressing global challenges. The upcoming World Expo in 2030 is no different, with Riyadh being one of the cities competing to host this prestigious event.

The year 2030 is not only pivotal in the pursuit of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, but also a moment of great significance for Saudi. 

Through its ambitious Vision 2030 program the country has been on its own journey, diversifying economically, socially, and culturally – with World Expo earmarked as an opportunity to showcase the vast progress Riyadh, Saudi’s capital, has made. As HRH Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman explains:

“We have an ambitious yet achievable blueprint. We are determined to build a thriving country in which all citizens can fulfil their dreams, hopes, and ambitions.”

Riyadh’s World Expo 2030 bid theme covers the need for global sustainable development progress. ‘The Era of Change: Together for a Foresighted Tomorrow,’ along with its sub-themes ‘Prosperity for All,’ ‘Climate Action,’ and ‘A Different Tomorrow’, explores the city’s commitment to advancing international and bilateral cooperation on shared global goals.

2: A seamless experience

Riyadh aims to deliver the most accessible World Expo on record.

Facilitated by a special Expo Visa, some 28 million visitors will enjoy easy access as they arrive via the new King Salman International Airport. A new metro line will then whisk them to the event site in just one stop. This accessibility ensures that all country pavilions will receive high footfall, allowing them to showcase their cultures, priorities, and goals to as large an audience as possible.

This commitment to accessibility also extends to the wider city. Visitors who attend World Expo can explore the vast tourism opportunities Riyadh has on offer, immersing themselves in the city’s sports venues, cultural heritage sites, and world-class events.

3: Full and equal participation

Inclusivity is also at the heart of Riyadh’s bid, with Saudi proposing an unmatched level of support for participants.

The Riyadh Expo 2030 assistance package is designed to help 100 countries showcase their ambitions at the event. It includes support for building a pavilion, content development, staffing, events, and outreach, allowing participating nations to stage various cultural and entertainment activities.

The city is poised to finish construction on the Expo site by February 2028, ahead of schedule, to allow countries to begin building their pavilions. And to further enable a smooth transition, Riyadh will host a ‘Participant Lab’ at World Expo 2025 Osaka to support participating countries on their journey to Expo 2030.

4: International business opportunities

For international businesses, Riyadh’s 2030 Expo bid promises a multitude of commercial opportunities.

As part of the city’s goal of becoming a global hub for finance, commerce, sports, and entertainment, the Expo Procurement Hub will streamline the process for international businesses and investors to explore opportunities and join the project.

The Expo itself will also host a Global Investment Lab, which will bring together international stakeholders to collaboratively develop solutions for global priorities, such as smart cities, mobility, and green assets.

5: Sustainable change

HRH Mohammed bin Salman has already committed $2.5 billion to green initiatives in the Middle East over the next ten years. With a deeply ingrained approach to sustainability, Riyadh’s Expo 2030 bid seeks to build on the country’s commitment to a green future.

Riyadh aspires to become the first carbon-negative Expo by powering the event site entirely with clean energy. The city is also developing stringent resource efficiency standards on biodiversity, food waste, and waste management and recycling.

Take the proposed site, designed as a futuristic space built around an existing ancient wadi. Not only will it embody Riyadh’s oasis origins – and the country’s pioneering vision for sustainable cities – but it will also enhance the natural environment rather than replace it.

Meanwhile, Riyadh plans to work with participating countries to leverage the event as a platform for achieving global climate goals. To kick this off, the ‘Collaborative Change Corner’ will fund, incubate, and scale international projects, beginning in 2025, to then showcase at Expo 2030.

In the race to host World Expo 2030, Riyadh frames itself as a strategically positioned candidate. With its commitment to global development, accessibility, inclusivity, business opportunities, and sustainable change, the city’s vision for the future aligns with the aspirations of a world seeking solutions to its most pressing challenges.

Find out more about Riyadh’s World Expo 2030 bid