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Xin Nian Kuai Le!
Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Wan Shi Ru Yi!
Chinese New Year
greetings can be said
in many ways
Happy Chinese New Year
[Spanish] Feliz año nuevo chino
Happy Chinese New Year
[French] Je vous souhaite une très
[French] bonne et heureuse année
I wish you a very good and happy
[French] chinoise du lapin
Chinese Year of the Rabbit
[Arabic] كل عام وانتم بخير
Happy Chinese New Year
[Arabic] باحتفال عيد الربيع الصيني عام الارنب
Year of the Rabbit
[Russian] Я поздравляю вac всех c
Wishing you all a
[Russian] китайским Новым годом
Happy Chinese New Year
[Chinese] 祝大家兔年如意吉祥
Wishing you joy and luck in the
Year of the Rabbit!
A joyous occasion marked
with greetings, colorful
customs, and festivities.
Spring Festival
traditions include:
Spring cleaning
Sharing New Year greetings
Reunion dinners
Staying up on New Year's Eve
Dragon and lion dances
Wishing good health...
and good luck to others
Discover how cultural traditions are being preserved, and meet the custodians reinterpreting them for today's generation.
Chinese Opera is being revitalized
as part of the Spring Festival Gala
Traditional musical performances are
infused with contemporary elements
To welcome the Year of the Rabbit,
Chinese opera artists will meet on stage in Wenzhou, the 'Birthplace of Opera'
“I am just a guardian of these traditions.”
Explore the heritage and stories behind the celebration.
Find out more