A Journey of
Personal Growth

Hear how a transformative relocation to Abu Dhabi brought safety, community, and spiritual fulfilment to this university director and her family.

Taking the leap

“I don't feel like I chose to live here; I feel like I was meant to live here,“ says Fatiah Touray, a force of nature whose ambition knows no bounds.

In New York, she thrived working in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. But, when the opportunity came to relocate, it wasn't just about a new occupation, it was about finding a place where she and her family could bloom.

“Initially, I was reluctant to change,” she recalls. “But my husband encouraged me to consider the broader world out there. It’s the only time I’ll say that he was right.”

That broader world was Abu Dhabi, a dynamic hub of culture and innovation in the UAE, where the Touray family would find a new home.

With over 88% of its population born outside the emirate, Abu Dhabi is a melting pot of cultures. Its blend of modernity and history is attracting expatriates in record numbers.

But after three years of living in the city, Touray believes that it’s the more subtle benefits which have truly sealed the deal. Now, she wants to share her experience to inspire others thinking of doing the same.

  I don't feel like I chose to live here; I feel like I was meant to live here.”
— Fatiah Touray,
Executive Director of Inclusion and Equity NYU Abu Dhabi
  I don't feel like I chose to live here; I feel like I was meant to live here.”
— Fatiah Touray,
Executive Director of Inclusion and Equity NYU Abu Dhabi

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Growing together in safety

Abu Dhabi's reputation as the world’s safest city, recognized by Numbeo for the eighth consecutive year, was a significant comfort for Touray during her family’s transition. The city's welcoming environment provides a secure backdrop for young people to flourish.

With over 100 nurseries, an array of extracurricular activities, and an impressive educational system, her children have the freedom to explore their interests in a safe space.

“It’s amazing not only for my professional growth but also to see my children live and thrive in such a welcoming environment,” she says.

  One of the advantages of having such a diverse community is that you have people from all over the world to draw upon.”
— Fatiah Touray,
Executive Director of Inclusion and Equity NYU Abu Dhabi
  One of the advantages of having such a diverse community is that you have people from all over the world to draw upon.”
— Fatiah Touray,
Executive Director of Inclusion and Equity NYU Abu Dhabi

A global melting pot

At work, Abu Dhabi’s diverse community has been a cornerstone of Touray’s success in her role as Executive Director, Inclusion and Equity, at NYU Abu Dhabi.

“One of the advantages of having such a diverse community is that you have people from all over the world to draw upon,” she explains. “It’s like a microcosm of what the world looks like.

“Each person she encounters contributes something unique, inspiring her to implement inclusive strategies that resonate with a global audience. This cultural diversity not only enriches the social fabric of Abu Dhabi but also drives innovation and economic growth, with studies showing that cities with high levels of diversity are more likely to produce innovative solutions and economic opportunities.

Connections that count

In Abu Dhabi, community ties are woven into the fabric of everyday life. The genuine curiosity and openness of the local community have enabled Touray to forge lasting relationships that enrich both her personal and professional life.

“I've met some of the most amazing people here that I know will be in my life beyond my time at NYU Abu Dhabi,“ she reflects. “I'm part of a vibrant community of women, who come from all parts of the world and are connected in so many different spaces. There’s real trust there.

Groups like Abu Dhabi Mums, a volunteer-based organization, exemplify the importance of connections in Abu Dhabi. For over 25 years, this group has fostered a sense of community for expat mothers and children, making the city feel even more like home.

Finding peace and purpose

One of, if not the most, profound aspects of Touray’s move has been the deepening of her spiritual journey.

  I've met some of the most amazing people here that I know will be in my life beyond my time at NYU Abu Dhabi.”
— Fatiah Touray,
Executive Director of Inclusion and Equity NYU Abu Dhabi
  I've met some of the most amazing people here that I know will be in my life beyond my time at NYU Abu Dhabi.”
— Fatiah Touray,
Executive Director of Inclusion and Equity NYU Abu Dhabi
  I've found my core, my peace, and in a way, I can choose not only to grow but also to thrive.”
— Fatiah Touray,
Executive Director of Inclusion and Equity NYU Abu Dhabi
  I've found my core, my peace, and in a way, I can choose not only to grow but also to thrive.”
— Fatiah Touray,
Executive Director of Inclusion and Equity NYU Abu Dhabi

“I am a religious and spiritual person,” she explains. “And, as a Muslim woman, I feel like my path brought me here to reconnect with my religion in an inclusive setting.

”Abu Dhabi’s focus on multi-faith peace and spirituality, which contributes to its high ranking on the Global Happiness Index, has been transformative, allowing her to live authentically and fully embrace her identity in a supportive and tolerant community.

A new life in Abu Dhabi 

For those looking to turn the page on a new chapter, Touray's experience of relocating to Abu Dhabi underscores its potential to transform lives.

The city offers a unique blend of professional opportunities within a diverse, supportive environment, making it an ideal destination for those seeking a new and fulfilling life.

“Abu Dhabi is something almost unimaginable,” she reflects. “I've found my core, my peace, and in a way, I can choose not only to grow but also to thrive.”

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