"When someone we love has cancer, we are all affected—husbands, wives, mothers and fathers, sisters, brothers, and friends. This is our effort in the fight against cancer."Ralph Lauren

For nearly 30 years, Ralph Lauren has been a vocal participant in the fight against cancer. And after finding out a close friend was diagnosed with cancer, he was moved to action, establishing the Pink Pony campaign in 2000.

The brand's iconic polo player has become a global symbol to help raise millions of dollars for everything from research hospitals to charities. But as well as supporting organizations at every stage of the process from prevention through care and recovery, the Pink Pony campaign wants to change the way people talk about cancer.

And during October, Breast Cancer Awareness month, the world is ready to talk.

Globally, breast cancer is the most frequent cancer experienced by women, with 2.1 million developing it each year. Sadly, it also causes a high number of cancer-related deaths; with 627,000 dying from breast cancer – a total of 15% of all cancer deaths among women. But thanks to the work of charities and medical research, and initiatives like the Pink Pony campaign, more people than ever are surviving breast cancer.

Sheryl Crow, a Grammy-winning singer-songwriter and cancer survivor, is a vocal supporter of the Pink Pony campaign. As someone who has already successfully gone through treatment, her passion and authentic perspective have the opportunity to reach a lot of people.

"It was cancer. Within a matter of six or seven days, my life just imploded on itself. It made me not only redefine my life but also refine my life in a lot of different ways," said Crow at an ESPN event a few years ago. And her willingness to openly engage in her experience started almost immediately.

In 2006 she released a statement shortly after her diagnosis. "I am joining the more than 200,000 women who will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. We are a testament to the importance of early detection and new treatments."

Crow will continue her awareness by taking part in the latest global campaign from the Pink Pony, Together in Pink, a new podcast series along with a cast of fascinating individuals. Emmy Award-winning writer, speaker, and leukemia survivor Suleika Jaouad will discuss life after overcoming cancer in her 20s. Olympic gold medallist Nathan Adrian, who will reveal what it's like to balance the ambition of training for Tokyo 2020 with being diagnosed with testicular cancer earlier this year. And Tammy Walker and Mimi Argueta will talk about their experiences with cancer.

Each guest will talk with a family member, friend, or fellow survivor to share their story and personal journey. These intimate conversations will shine a light on the reality of cancer on a very human level. Listeners are invited to participate by sharing their own stories and join a supportive community using #PinkPony.

And as with every year, a special edition Pink Pony Collection will be released. 100% of the purchase price of the light pink "Live Love" graphic tee, and 25% of all other sales, will go to the Ralph Lauren Pink Pony Fund or to one of its international network of cancer charities.

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